
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not: Fruit Salad and more

What to do with this week's leftovers:

Bacon, leftover from making Spinach Salad:
Put all leftover pieces on a foil-lined cookie sheet. Put in the oven, then set temperature to 400 degrees. (Yes, put the bacon in while the oven is still cold!) Bake 17 minutes or until slightly under-done. Drain and blot grease, cool, and then freeze. When frozen, transfer to ziploc freezer bags and return to the freezer. When you are ready for a few strips of bacon, microwave the frozen strips for 10-20 seconds, depending on how crispy you like them and how many strips you are microwaving at a time.

Tomato paste, leftover from making Italian Macaroni and Cheese
Freeze, and then the next time you make spaghetti or pizza, add the tomato paste to the sauce. Stir in a few Tbsp of water and a couple shakes of Italian seasoning and garlic powder. This will stretch your spaghetti sauce and/or pizza sauce just a little bit further.

Canned pineapple, leftover from making Island Chicken Sandwiches:
A can of pineapple contains 9-10 slices, which means that you will have 3-4 slices left, plus some juice in the bottom of the can.  Combine a few tablespoons of pineapple juice with the half container of Cool Whip left from making Cream Puff Dessert.  Cut the pineapple slices into chunks, then mix with whatever kind of fresh or canned fruit you have in the house (strawberries, grapes, mandarin oranges, canned peaches or pears).  Mix together with the Cool Whip/pineapple juice "sauce".  Add sliced banana (if desired), right before serving your mini fruit salad. 

What are you doing with your leftovers this week?

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