
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dorito Chicken Casserole

(This recipe was first posted in conjunction with the Meijer Ad Week of 5/20/12 - 5/26/12)

This is probably not the healthiest main course you'll ever find, but it sure is tasty!  I've seen various versions of this casserole all over Pinterest, but I based "my" version on one that was recommended to me by a friend.

4 large chicken breast pieces, cooked and diced
1 - 10.5 oz can cream of chicken soup
1 - 10.5 oz can cream of mushroom soup
1 - 14 oz can corn, drained OR use frozen
1 - 15 oz can diced tomatoes with green chilies
1 bag nacho cheese Doritos, crushed
1 - 8oz bag shredded Mexican 4-cheese blend

Stir together the soups, tomatoes, and corn.  Spread about 2/3 of the Doritos on the bottom of a greased 9x13 pan.  Push them down lightly to form a crust.  Sprinkle the diced chicken over the Doritos.  Pour soup/tomato/corn mixture over the chicken, then top with shredded cheese.  Top with remainder of Doritos.  Bake in a preheated 350 oven for 20-30 minutes.  Serve with salsa and sour cream, and a side of rice if desired.

Options and Tips
  • This makes a very large portion!  Next time I make this, I plan to divide it into two 8x8 pans and freeze one of them.  I recommend NOT topping the casserole with Doritos until it's thawed and ready for the oven.
  • My husband and I really enjoyed this, but my kids thought it was way too spicy.  The combination of Doritos and tomatoes with green chilies definitely gives this dish a kick!  Next time I make this, I plan to use plain diced tomatoes, and then add a can (or part of a can) of green chilies to the "adult half" of the casserole.
  • There are many flavors of Doritos available...try one of the spicier ones to add even more kick, or use Ranch Doritos for a different flavor.
    This recipe, in its original form, can be found on page 100 of Hope Christian School's "Our Favorites with a Twist" cookbook.  It was recommended to me by Rachel Feenstra.  I've made a few changes to the ingredients and instructions.


  1. Lisa,

    Good timing on this recipe. I just bought a bag of Doritos on sale for $1.77 at our local grocery store. I buy them very rarely, but that was too good a price to pass up. I may have to try a tweaked version of this. Eric's allergic to tomatoes, so I would need to omit them.

    Have a good weekend!

    1. Oooohhhh...that's a lot better price than what we have here! Let me know how you end up tweaking it, and how it turns out :)

  2. Very yummy! Quite spicy like u said but i did serve brown rice w/ it which toned it down a little! We liked it!

  3. What size bag of Doritos do we use? The large ones that are typically about $4 at the grocery store?

    1. I'm sorry, I don't have a bag here right now, so i can't check it. I should have included that in the recipe, I know....sorry! It's the regular-sized bag, not the family-sized one. I think the regular price is $4 or so, but they go on sale 2/$5 and someitmes B1G1 free. I'll check the ounces the next time I'm at the store and then edit the recipe.
