
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summer "Vacation" for Cooking Up a Sale

The weather is getting warmer (OK, sometimes even HOT!), and school is almost out.  I've started thinking about our vacation plans, which made me think about making some changes here for the summer. 

As things stand right now, I am able to view the Meijer sale ad for the following week on Friday mornings.  This means that I have a fairly small window to do most of my blogging:  I only have Friday and Saturday to figure out what recipes I'm going to post, as well as do the price-checking and actual typing.  Furthermore, if it's an old recipe that I haven't made for quite awhile, or a new recipe that I need to test, that means I have to cook or bake the food in those two days as well.  (Sometimes we eat really well over here on Friday nights!) 

If making food and blogging about food was ALL I had to do each weekend in the summer, it would work out just fine.  But honestly, I don't want to be so tied down to weekend postings.  Don't get me wrong:  I love to make food, and I love to write.  But I can't realistically commit to posting three new recipes each weekend...not when there's camping to enjoy, beaches to visit, yardwork to tackle, and cookouts to host. 

That being said, I don't want this blog to sit dormant for three months.  So, I have a plan.  At least, I have the beginnings of a plan.
  • Every Friday or Saturday, I'll post the Recipe Round-up. (Yes, I know, I'm already committing to a weekend post.  But it's just one!)  I've heard from many of you that this is a useful feature, so the Recipe Round-up will continue as usual.  The exception to this might be when we go on an extended vacation...I might just post "sorry, I'm on vacation!", but I'll see what kind of internet connection I have :)
  • I MIGHT post a new recipe (or two) that uses on-sale ingredients.  I'm not going to commit to this, but you might see a few new recipes come through along with the Recipe Round-up.
  • "In My Kitchen", "Make It Or Buy It", and "Before and After" will still be posted sporadically.
  • I'm planning to post some "Fresh From the Farm" recipes.  I'll feature different fruits and vegetables as they come into season, posting recipes and suggestions on how to cook and/or process the produce. 
  • Every month I'll have a theme.  I will post recipes and articles each week to fit the theme of the month.  These recipes and/or articles will not be posted on a specific day of the week, but will show up on random days each week. By not tying myself to a certain day(s) of the week, I'll free up my schedule to go to the pool or the beach :)
The themes for Cooking Up a Sale's Summer Vacation are...
  • June:  Breads, Rolls, and Dough (mostly using the breadmaker)
  • July:  Camping and Traveling (meals, snacks, and tips)
  • August:  Readers' Choice!  Choose from the following: 
    • Costco and Aldi
    • Easy Entertaining
    • Reader-Submitted Recipes
    • Snacks From Scratch
    • Kids in the Kitchen
    • Better Breakfasts 
Please vote in the comments, or send me an email with your vote.  If you have a different idea for the August theme, feel free to send me a suggestion!
What would you like to see here this summer?  Vote for the August theme!


  1. either costco and aldi or reader-submitted recipes

  2. Isn't summer break with the kids a blast!? The freedom, the fun!! :) I am sure we will all enjoy whatever you post WHENEVER you post it! My vote for August is ALL of them...oh...If I HAD to pick it would be ~ snacks from scratch. BUT kids in the kitchen sounds great, so does better breakfasts and readers recipes......they ALL sound fun!

  3. As for August - all of them sound great. :-) I like Snacks from Scratch since my kids are always hungry, Costco and Aldi is good too - granted Aldi doesn't exsist in CA - but I do go to Costco with my Mom on occasion. Reader Submitted Recipes would be my third choice I guess. But all I would enjoy! So I was not much help. :-) For camping foods - get Rachel's skillet recipe from cans. Nummy! Enjoy your summer. School for us ends this week Friday. ~~Dawn

  4. My vote would be either easy entertaining or snacks from scratch.
    I LOVE this blog, and check it every week. Keep up the good work!
    Rebecca Kleyn

  5. Great ideas Lisa! I like them all...espec Easy entertaining, Costco & Aldi...really anyone of them! Thanks again for all the time/work you put into this! I really enjoy it!

  6. Charissa choucalasJune 10, 2012 at 6:33 AM

    Costco and aldo

  7. Costco and Aldi would be my choice. I also am wondering how you keep your freezer organized...that would be another post I would love to see some day:)

  8. Costco and Aldi!
