
Friday, June 15, 2012

Breadmaker Breadsticks

How about some breadsticks to go with your pizza?  These are absolutely amazing!  They're so soft that they practically melt in your mouth.  I made them last night for the first time, and I'll definitely be making them again.  Bake them while you top your pizza, and they'll still be warm when your pizza comes out of the oven.

1 C milk
1 stick margarine, melted and cooled slightly
1/4 C sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 tsp salt
4 C flour OR bread flour
2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
additional butter or margarine and grated Parmesan cheese, optional

Put all ingredients in your bread machine in the order they are listed. Select the dough setting on your bread machine and press start. When dough cycle is complete, punch down the dough enough so that you can cut it into 24 approximately equal pieces.  Roll each piece into a breadstick shape, twist, and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.  (Nope, they don't have to be perfect!)  Bake at 375 for 7-9 minutes or until very lightly browned.  Remove from cookie sheet and serve warm. 

Options and Tips:
  • Brush melted butter (or just lightly rub a partial stick of margarine or butter) over each breadstick, and sprinkle immediately (before the butter hardens) with grated Parmesan cheese.
  • I used bread flour, but the original recipe calls for regular flour, so I'm sure that works fine as well.
  • According to my cookbook, leftover breadsticks keep well in the freezer.  I haven't tried it yet, but I trust Dawn's wisdom on this :) 
This recipe, in its original form, can be found on page 134 of Hope Christian School's "Our Favorites With a Twist" cookbook.  It was submitted by Dawn Howerzyl, a faithful reader and (according to my sources) a fabulous cook.  This recipe was recommended to me by Rachel Feenstra, and some of the instructions are hers.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to. Your comment about gave me a heart attack, but I went back and checked and I did include 4 C of flour in the recipe. I now added "or bread flour" because I remembered that is what I used. However, the original recipe just calls for regular flour, so I'm sure either will work fine.

    2. That's weird, I looked and looked this morning and did not see flour anywhere, lol. Thanks for the recipe!

    3. Sorry, not sure about that. I get my own email newsletter, so I double-checked that and it showed flour as an ingredient as well. I hope you like the breadsticks as much as we do!

    4. Can't wait to try them, these are my boys' favorites, but I've never made them before. Thanks again :)

  2. I don't have a bread maker... do you think it would work just mixing this? Any suggestions?

    1. I have tried a dinner roll recipe before with no bread machine. For the rolls, I had to warm up the milk and butter slightly...just enough so that the butter melted. Then add the yeast, sugar, and salt and stir until dissolved. Let this mixture sit for 5 minutes or until it gets foamy on top. Combine all ingredients by hand (or if you have a Kitchen Aid mixer you can use that). Knead the dough by hand or with the dough hooks on your mixer for 10 minutes. Put the dough in a greased bowl and cover. Let rise until doubled in size (about 1 to 1 1/2 hours). Then follow the instructions to form the breadsticks and bake them. The roll recipe needs a second rising (as in, cover the breadsticks and let them rise), but I'm not sure if the breadsticks would need a second rising or not. When I use the bread machine, they do NOT need a second rising. You could always let half of them rise and bake half of them right away, just to see which one works better. Disclaimer: I have never tried them this way, so my suggestions are just guesses based on the roll recipe. Let me know if it works for you!

    2. Thanks so much! I am definately trying this Monday! I will let you know! Great site! Love the meals!

  3. What a surprise Lisa - I was reading the recipe and thinking wow this sounds like my recipe and then it was. :-) This recipe originally came from my Mom. We made them often when we had Young People's over on Sunday night after church and dipped them in pizza sauce or strawberry jam. I twist mine - roll out - then twist for a different look. I always used regular flour too - but lately for some reason they get super tacky that way - something in the flour has changed - so I do it with bread flour now too - then the dough is back to wonderful again. Your breadsticks looked great! Thanks for making me feel special.
