
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend Reading

Looking for something to read?  Head over to Money Saving Mom to check out my guest post on avoiding frustration when trying to save money.  I'm super excited that they chose to publish it!

Have a good weekend,

P.S.  Happy Birthday, Mom!


  1. Just read your post, Lisa. Good for you! Excellent points, and it's very well-written. =)

    Looking forward to meeting you soon!

  2. Your post at Money Saving Mom was really good! You had some great points! It's so easy to compare your grocery budget to someone else.

  3. Great guest post over at Money saving Mom! I have been ruminating on some similar ideas lately,especially about realizing the limits of my abilities. I, too, have a "brown thumb" and joined a CSA for a while; but it ended up being too much food for our family to get through...thus, a money waster. I would love to have your feedback on my brand new blog:

  4. Congrats on the guest post! I think the concept of your blog is fantastic and I'm thrilled that you were able to get some extra exposure through MSM. Enjoy it!

  5. Great article! Very encouraging :)

  6. Congrats on the guest posts - they are amazing! Way to go!

  7. Hi! I saw your post on MSM and saw that you are a michigan mom! I love your blog! I also, am a mom to four kids 6,4,3,and 1. I live in Saginaw and I wanted to follow your blog to get more "local" ideas. Which town in Michigan do you live in?

    1. Hi Shannon,
      Thanks for following...glad to have you! Looks like Saginaw has a Meijer or two, so you'll be able to cook up some sale items along with me :) To answer your question, we live in a suburb of Grand Rapids.
