
Monday, July 9, 2012

Fresh From the Farmer's Market: Blueberries

It's blueberry season here in West Michigan!  Meijer has blueberries on sale this week, but in my opinion, they just don't compare to the ones you can pick yourself (or pick up at your local farmer's market)!  Our favorite U-pick is open now, so we're going picking later this week.  I'm looking forward to having piles of blueberries to deal with!  It's not hard to think of ways to "use up" fresh blueberries, but if you need a little inspiration, read on:

Fresh Blueberry Pie - a favorite around here!  Baked blueberry pie just doesn't compare :)

No-Bake Blueberry Cheesecake Dessert - Follow the recipe for No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Dessert, but use the filling for Fresh Blueberry Pie in place of the strawberry topping called for in the original recipe.  Official recipe and picture coming!

Jam - I'm told that blueberry jam is not quite as good as strawberry, but I'm going to give it a try.

Muffins - Of course!  We all have our favorite version of blueberry muffins, right? 

Blueberry Salad - Simple, easy, and crowd-pleasingly delicious.

Parfaits - Yogurt, blueberries, and granola make for a healthy snack or a refreshing summer breakfast.

Smoothies - Many recipes can be found online, but you don't need a recipe to make a smoothie.  Just start dumping stuff in the blender and add ingredients according to taste and desired thickness.  Use any combination of yogurt, juice, and fresh or frozen fruit.  Ice is optional.

Cereal Topping - There's nothing better than fresh, crisp blueberries over a bowl of cornflakes....or Cheerios, Frosted Mini Wheats, etc.

Salad Topping - Try blueberries in place of strawberries in Fruity Lettuce Salad.

Frozen - Simply wash, drain, dry completely, and flash freeze on a cookie sheet.  When frozen solid, transfer to a ziploc freezer bag.  Frozen berries are not recommended for use in Fresh Blueberry Pie, but they make great muffins, parfaits, and smoothies all winter long!

Are you going blueberry picking?  What are you planning to do with your blueberries?


  1. Sooo jealous of Michigan blueberries! I'll have to settle for store ones in Iowa. Can't wait to try the pie recipe!

  2. Kendra went and picked some yesterday, so we are enjoying the fruits of her labor!

    So cool you were featured in a local paper--good for you.
