
Monday, September 24, 2012

A Giveaway...and a Survey

**Update:  This giveaway is now closed.**

Dear Readers,

I'm trying to decide what direction to go with this blog, and I need your help figuring it out :)  I'd love for you to spend a few minutes answering some questions.  To thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, I'm sponsoring a giveaway.

I love buying spices at the Shipshewana flea market.  They're cheap, and they're every bit as good as what you'd find at the grocery store.  My favorite spices to buy from the flea market are poppy seed and sesame seeds...because I use them a lot, and because they're rather expensive at Meijer (especially when you use tablespoons at a time!).  I know you'll like them just as much as I do, so I'm giving away THREE sets of spices.  Each set will contain one 4.5 oz jar of poppyseed and one 4.5 oz jar of sesame seeds.  (Both are completely sealed and unopened...don't worry!)

To enter the giveaway, please answer (in a comment on THIS post, using at least your first name) this two-part question:

A) Do you use/like/dislike the Recipe Round-up?  In other words, is it a useful tool for you as you plan your menu?  Or is it something that you kind of pass over each week?  B) If you DO use it, do you like the original format or the new "I'm in a hurry" format better?

In addition, you may enter the giveaway more than once by answering any or all of these questions in the comments below:
1.  What is your favorite part about Cooking Up a Sale? (for example:  new recipes, Recipe Round-up, money-saving tips, Before and After, Make It or Buy It, etc)
2.  What would you like to see more (or less) of at Cooking Up a Sale?  (for example:  new recipes, money-saving tips, In My Kitchen, series such as the ones run this past summer...Breads, Camping/Vacation Foods)
3.  What is your favorite kind of recipe to see here at Cooking Up a Sale? (for example:  main dish, dessert, snacks, sides)

In case you're not counting, that means that you have four opportunities to win!  Don't forget:  to have your multiple entries count, you must answer each question in a separate one comment = one entry, two comments = two entries, etc.

Be honest with your answers...I'm not easily offended, and this is your chance to speak up and tell me how this blog can help you.  If you prefer to keep your comments private, you can email me at dblisamarie {@} gmail {.} com (remove spaces and { }s ), or you can comment anonymously.  You won't be entered into the giveaway, but you'll still be helping me create a better blog.

This giveaway is open until 5PM on Friday, September 28.  Yes, that's a long time, but I'd love it if LOTS of you answered the questions :)  Winners will be announced Friday evening by 9PM.

Happy Cooking!


  1. Two part question.
    A) I love it and read it every email. I don't use a meal idea every week, but I know I have it if I need it.
    B) I love the new recipes. I like to see the ingredients that are on sale for each recipe. It helps me avoid an extra click for each recipe to see if I might already have some of the sale ingredients on hand.
    Thank you!

  2. Question 1.
    New recipes and recipe round-up.
    Sorry, I didn't know you had the other items on your blog. I will have to look for them.

  3. Question 2. I like the special theme series. Sometimes I don't have time to read them when I get them in my email, but I do go searching for them on your blog when I need them.

  4. Question 3. I like the desserts!

  5. Hey Lisa! 1st off ~ you KNOW I enjoy your blog :) I think you are doing a FANTASTIC job! :) That being said, I understand the whole "trying to figure out what direction to take the blog", I tried to get some advice from "my readers" not to long ago too ~ I hope that a lot of people give you advice! :)
    NOW about the recipe round up. I do not shop Meijer ~ just cause I do not live near one, sadly, BUT I do still scroll through your recipes, cause I have read them ALL and written down quite a bit ~ so it reminds me to try new ones or make something again. I say to do whatever format is easier for you to do! That is my honest opinion. :) Keep up the good work!!!

  6. Favorite part of Cooking Up a Sale. The recipes and the "make it or buy it".

  7. 2.More recipes....I just cannot seem to collect enough recipes!!! (I WILL never be able to make ALL the recipes I have...NEVER!!!)

  8. 3. Any recipe. :) (Sorry about my lack of help.)OK. I will pick ~ main dishes, yep. Always need ideas when it comes to that :). Thanks!!!

  9. I like the recipe round up and check it weekly for recipe ideas to match up with what is on sale. I like the new I am in a hurry format better because I can look for what type of recipe I need at a glance.

  10. My favorite part is when you post new recipes. I am always looking for something new that is economical for my family of 5 to eat.

  11. I would like to see more new recipes and money saving tips to go along with this!

  12. I like to see main dish recipes most and then dessert is a close second!!!

  13. My favorite part of the blog is the new recipes!!

  14. One thing I would love to see or read about more is Kitchen Organization tips..or any type of organization in the home. Not sure if you want to go that route but that is what I would love to read more about.

  15. The recipe our family loved the most was the Island Chicken Sandwiches!!! Yummy

  16. Hi Lisa,
    I love this blog! I haven't used it every week, but now that school is back in session, I am using it more. And I LOVE the recipe round up. The new format is awesome, you could sure switch and save yourself some work. :-)
    Rebecca Kleyn

  17. OK- my favorite part? Recipe round up!

  18. And I would LOVE to see more new recipes.

  19. my favorite kind of recipes are main dishes, although salads and desserts are great too. Keep up the good work!!

  20. I like the recipes but don't use the round up a whole lot because I don't live in your area that has a Meyers.

  21. 1. Favorite part of the blog is your recipes and your money saving tips

  22. 3. I love main dishes ideas always can use those for new ideas for our family

  23. 1. I love Recipe Roundup and money-saving tips.
    Kathy Faberge

  24. 2. I think "In my kitchen". I love the recipe themes.
    Kathy Faberge

  25. 3. I like all kinds of recipes, so I think you should mix it up. I do like anything quick, though, because we all have busy lives.

  26. I do not use the recipe round up ! I don't dislike it but the majority of the time I go past it.


  27. 1. My favorite part is your stock up alerts as well as new recipes.


  28. 2. I would love to see more of Costco , I have a hard time knowing what is a good deal and what is just not. I also like your organizing posts with all the great ideas!

  29. 3.i really don't have a favorite kind of recipes, I think I have made just about every kind of recipe. I am always looking for tasty healthy ,easy sides to boost a sparce dinner of meat and ( oh great, you want more than meat?). :)

  30. Hey, Lisa. I enjoy reading your blog, especially the recipes and money-saving tips! Of course I don't live anywhere near a Meijer, so I don't really read the Recipe Round-up. I'd love to have something like that for Fareway!

  31. My favorite part of the blog is new recipes

  32. I love the series, organizing tips and tips at shopping at different stores - especially Costco.

  33. I like all of the recipes, really - nothing's fun to get new recipes

  34. I don't really use the recipe round up very much;0

  35. I do not use the recipe round up often, but have a few times and found it very helpful!
    Dena Dykstra

  36. Your Recipe Index is my favorite part of this blog. It is so nicely categorized and I have yet to make one of your recipes that my family does not love!

  37. I can't say there is anything I would like to see more/less of on here - maybe more new recipes only because they are "no fail" and all incredibly easy and delicious (what more does a woman need than that when cooking)?!?!

  38. My favorite kind of recipe to see on here is main dishes and of course a yummy dessert - like the white chocolate dessert you just posted! Gonna be trying that bad boy REAL soon :)

    All that being said: Lisa, I cannot say enough good things about this blog! I truly turn to it for a majority of my meals during the week. Jared no longer asks me where I get dinner recipes anymore. He knows my answer will be "Lisa, she never has failed me" :)

  39. I like the new recipes. I've made some of them and the pictures you post help me to know if I want to make them. Also the pictures are helpful so I know what it should look like after I make it (since I don't always read directions carefully!)!

    I don't live near a Meijers.

  40. Yes, I use the Recipe Round up. I like the "in a hurry" format just as well as the other, and I bet it saves you a ton of time, so I'm all in favor of that!

  41. My favorite part of the blog is the new recipes and the round-up. And the recipe index, really. I like having what amounts to a recipe book on this blog full of recipes that I can actually use, that have been tried out and "tweaked" already, by someone who cooks like I do.

  42. My favorite recipes here are main dishes and sides. I haven't tried many of the others, but I've done a lot of mains and sides.

  43. A) I use the Recipe Round up, but not every week.
    B) The "in a hurry" format is just fine - I trust you and since you are saving me time it's only fair you save some time too!:)

  44. 1. My favorite part of the blog is the recipe index. If I have something in the house I can just look at the index and find something to make.

  45. 2. I think your blog is GREAT but sometimes, although rarely, there is not a number of how many a dish will serve. That's really the only thing I can think of! :)

  46. 3. My favorite kind of recipes here are the main dishes. I have tried others though and thought they were delicious too!

  47. Okay, I know I'm not following the rules but I'll just answer all your questions in one :)

    First of all, I have to admit that I've been skimming the recipe round-up.....but I love to see your new recipes -- that's my favorite part! and I like to read "in my kitchen" and your kitchen organization tips. I also love your stock-up alert b/c I've been slacking in reading my coupon blogs lately. As for my favorite recipe category, I don't have a do a great job of doing every category it seems like! I do use a lot of your recipes and just made your cherry chip bread today...yummm

    Also, just want to say- don't feel like you have to give us a new recipe every week...we all know you're whatever works best for you and your family :)

  48. I'm going to summarize all your questions in one comment too. I just love your blog! I love the recipe round-up especially. But when time [] permits I love checking out all your other posts on the side. The summer specials were fun too especially since we are campers as well.

  49. I like the recipe round up just because it gives me a few ideas to consider. The new format is just as useful, maybe just an **if there are any really great deals for a meal or a stock up alert with meal ideas?!?!

  50. My favorite part is probably the recipe index and money saving tips (like hearing a stock up alert price) or other ideas for saving on family meals. I like the make it or buy it feature . . . and the before/after . . .and new recipes--variety is good!!

  51. I like to see side dish and main dish recipes--I use those most often :)

  52. 1. I don't use the recipe-round-up. Unfortunately, Meijer is not an option for me :(

  53. 2. My favorite part of your blog is the recipes. I have made a lot of your recipes, and I reference the recipe index a lot.

  54. 3. I would like to see more ideas for organization.

  55. 4. More side dish recipes and more snack/kid-friendly food ideas.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  56. I am "cheating" as well in only doing one post :)
    I LOVE this blog and you do an AWESome job! thank you!!
    Fav part is the recipe index! So quick and easy to find a recipe. I do not really use the Recipe Round-up...I should...its a great idea but I am bad at sitting down and looking at the Ads and planning ahead my meals for the week.
    Another Fav is all the new recipes. I have used all the categories and Love all the options you give to us!
    I loved reading all the summer posts...bread machine, camping, etc. Would love to see more of any of those topics you had us vote on to choose from when summer started.
    umm hopefully I answered all the questions :) Overall, I love everything about it!!

  57. I love your blog! I have tried several recipes and all are delicious, easy, and inexpensive. I love that I can hook up to Meijer's sale prices with your index. I enjoyed all your added 'features,' camping, breads, before and afters, etc.
    It must be hard to continue in a direction with a blog, great idea on a survey, but keep it what YOU enjoy the most, as your inspiration comes from within!
    Good luck and many thanks!

  58. I don't really use the recipe round-up much.

  59. My favorite part is just the new recipes. I very often look throught your recipe index if I am looking for something in particular.

  60. I would love to see more money saving tips..always trying to save right :-)

  61. My favorite recipes are the main dish and the side dish/salads. It is so easy to make the same things over and over for dinner so I love getting fresh ideas that I don't have to go searching through a cookbook for. Thanks for all the time you put into this blog...I really do enjoy it!
