
Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days:: Make the Most of Your Meat: A Guest Post

We've already talked about serving some meatless meals.  (And all the husbands say "What?!?!?")  But sometimes, you (or they) just aren't willing to go that far.  You want to include some meat in your meal, but you also want to keep your grocery bill down.  Is it possible to eat meat and still eat on the cheap?  Of course!

Today, I'm excited to announce that Jessica over at Life as Mom is hosting my 31 Days post as part of her Frugal Friday series.  Head on over to read 7 Ways to Save Money on Meat.

While you're over at Life as Mom, check out Jessica's other blog, Good Cheap Eats.  She's doing her own 31 Days series over there, called 31 Days of Freezer Cooking.  I've been following along, because freezer cooking is a great way to save money in the kitchen!

If you're coming over from Life As Mom, welcome!  Take a few minutes to look around, and check out some of the other "31 Days of Saving Money in the Kitchen" posts.

Looking for more great ways to Save Money in the Kitchen?  You can find the rest of the articles in this series, here.


  1. Fun guest post!! I like to buy meat according to the holiday. Examples ~ TURKEY around Thanksgiving, it can go really cheap and I will usually freeze one or two and cook it up and shred and freeze for casseroles, etc. CORNED BEEF around March, leftovers make for great Reuben Sandwiches. Ham around Easter, leftover ham is great in or with eggs. First cook the large portion of meat for a nice meal and than freeze the leftovers in portion sizes that suit your family. Not only is it cheap, it is easy!

  2. Good for you, Lisa! I think the most effective way I save on meat costs is eliminating or reducing the amount called for in most recipes.
