
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Feta & Spinach Turkey Burgers

[This recipe was originally posted in conjunction with the Meijer ad week of 11/4/12 - 11/10/12]

Quick!  Add these to your menu before it gets too cold to grill!  These burgers are a tasty change from the typical beef burger.  Not only that, but if you're looking to eat healthier, turkey is much lower in fat than beef.  My husband said it was obvious the burgers were healthier because there was hardly any grease dripping from them while he was grilling.  In spite of being healthy, the burgers are packed with flavor, and surprisingly moist.  Come on, don't turn your nose up...these are seriously delicious!

1 - 1.25 lb package of ground turkey
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 of a 10 oz package of frozen, chopped spinach - thawed and squeezed dry
1/2 C crumbled feta cheese
1/4 tsp garlic powder
6 hamburger buns
1/2 C mayonnaise
1/2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
lettuce, tomato, red pepper

Combine turkey, egg, spinach, feta cheese, and garlic powder in a resealable gallon bag.  Seal the bag, then squeeze and squish to mix all ingredients thoroughly.  (Alternatively, you can mix the ingredients in a bowl using a heavy-duty wooden spoon.)  Divide mixture into 6 equal parts, and form one burger from each part.  Cover a cookie sheet with plastic wrap or parchment paper.  Place burgers on cookie sheet, and freeze burgers for a minimum of 30 minutes.  Grill over medium heat, 10 minutes on each side.  Meanwhile, combine sauce ingredients.  Serve on hamburger buns with sauce and toppings.

Options and Tips:
  • Make your patties wider than you think, because they shrink up slightly as they cook.
  • Waste Not, Want Not:  This recipe calls for just half the box of frozen spinach.  I used a heavy duty knife to cut the frozen chunk in half.  I thawed half of it for this recipe, and put the other half in a freezer bag for next time.  Alternatively, you could thaw the entire box and use the other half of the spinach in omelettes or quesadillas.
This is sort of an orginal recipe.  I based it on this recipe that I found at


  1. My mouth is literally watering. This looks so good!

  2. Lisa, I made these last night for supper, and they were PHENOMENAL!! The kids loved them too! I didn't have the frozen spinach, so I just layed fresh leaves on the bun. It taseted awesome.

  3. These burgers are SO good! We first tried them when Lisa made them for us on our MI vacation and now we made them today for lunch. Kids ate them right up! I did use 2 cups of fresh spinach that I boiled for about 2 minutes first. I also used a fresh garlic glove instead of the powder. One of my favorite recipes!
