
Monday, March 12, 2012

Winner of the $10 Meijer Gift Card Giveaway

I used the "True Random Number Generator" over at to pick the winner of the $10 gift card giveaway.  The number it generated was 10.  (Wow, 10s all around huh?)  The 10th comment was made by Michelle, who said "I commented on the English Muffin Bread".  Michelle happens to be my sister-in-law (I promise I was fair with this drawing!), but that's OK since I said family was eligible to enter :)  This is fitting anyway, because Michelle was one of the first people to become a follower of this blog.  She has also eaten or cooked almost all of the recipes on this site.  Michelle, congratulations, and thanks for your unfailing support of my little project over here!

Thanks to everyone for your comments and entries!  I plan to host more giveaways as the ad revenue becomes available!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited! I never win anything :) And you are so welcome :)

    You don't have to post this, I just can't believe I actually won! Thanks so much!
