
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Few Changes

Notice anything new around here?  :)

I did some reorganizing of the blog that went live today.  I hope these changes will make Cooking Up a Sale more user-friendly for all of you!  (If you're reading this post in your email newsletter, please click on over to the blog to see the new look.)

The most noticeable difference is probably the blog title.  That's just something fun, and it won't necessarily make this blog any easier to use, but I'm pretty excited about it.  What do you think?  Do you like the new look?

If you look directly below the title, you'll see that this blog now has different pages that you can click on.  They look like little tabs.

The Home tab will take you to the main part of the blog, where you'll see all the new recipes and other posts...just like before.

The Recipe Index tab is exactly what its name says...a recipe index.  (And this is where the "user-friendly" part comes in.)  Any recipe that I've ever posted on Cooking Up a Sale can be found here.  The list of recipes is divided into categories (and yes, some recipes do appear in more than one category) to make it easy for you to find what you're looking for, and you can click on any one of the recipes in this index to be brought to the complete recipe.  I plan to update this page any time I add more recipes to the blog.

The About tab is next.  Here you can find all the information you ever wanted to know (and maybe some you didn't want to know!) about Cooking Up a Sale and about me.

Finally, you'll see the Contact tab.  On this page you'll find my email address, as well as an explanation of the other ways you can contact me.

OK, going back to the Home page.  Previously, I had one large index for all and non-recipes alike.  It was categorized into things like "Beef" and "Money Matters".  Now, any post that was just a recipe can be found in the Recipe Index.  The rest of the posts can be found in this new index on the right hand side, right next to my little green logo.  The index is called "Chew On This, Too" and will include any non-recipe posts.  There will be a few recipes in this index as well, but only if they also fall into another, non-recipe category such as "Waste Not, Want Not" or "Make It Or Buy It".  Confused yet?  Hopefully not!

Let me know what you think about the changes...are they helpful?


  1. Love the new format--now that you have a good number of recipes, this makes it much easier to find what I am looking for! Thanks for all your work!

  2. Love the blog header, very attractive and the recipe index looks like its going to be easy to find what I am looking for.

  3. Nice redo! I really like how it looks, & the way it's set up. It's very user friendly!

  4. Thanks for taking the time to have such a lovely blog, really, I have been enjoying it. I recently started a cooking blog, so I know how how fun it is to receive comments!! and how helpful they can be! :) I have made numerous things off your blog already, if you don't mind I will link back to your's when I post something I made from here! I don't shop Meijers (I would but it is just TOO far way) BUT I do feel like I live at Aldi! Your tips are helpful. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  5. Looks really good Lisa! Very easy to find recipes!

  6. Very classy blog. Looks fantastic.

  7. Great update! I recently discovered your blog and what a blessing! Great recipes on the sale items! Great concept for us savers!!! THANK YOU!

  8. Love it - very helpful!!

  9. Love the new look! Keep those recipes comin' :)
