
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vidalia Chop Wizard Giveaway

Update:  this giveaway is now closed.  Thank-you all for participating, and congratulations to Sara for winning this useful and fun kitchen gadget.

Remember when I told you all about how much I use and love my Vidalia Chop Wizard?  Well, do you want one too?  OK, good, because...

In celebration of another milestone (30,000 hits), Cooking Up a Sale is giving away a Vidalia Chop Wizard!

Here's what you have to do to enter (both #1 and #2 must be completed in order to enter):

1.  Complete one of the following tasks:
  • Post a comment about a recipe you've tried.  It doesn't have to be something you made this week...if you tried it last month, now is the time to add your comment!  Furthermore, your comment doesn't have to be "we loved it."  If you thought it was "average" or "gross", it's OK to say it!
  • Subscribe to Cooking Up a Sale via email (type your email address into the appropriate box on the right-hand side of the page and follow the instructions from there).
  • Like Cooking Up a Sale on Facebook.
  • Become an official member of Cooking Up a Sale (click on the blue box that says "join this site" and fill in your information)
**Please note, pinning a recipe on Pinterest does not qualify you to enter.  Although I DO appreciate the pins, I have another idea for something fun we can do with Pinterest...stay tuned!

2.  Come back to this post and add a comment telling me what you've done to enter, using at least your first name.  No anonymous entries, sorry!  The winner will be picked from the list of comments under this post.

Other Rules:
1.  You may enter more than just have to complete more than one task and add a separate comment to this post for each task that you completed.
2.  Family and friends are eligible.
3.  If you have won a previous giveaway, you are not eligible for this one.  Sorry :(
4.  The tasks above are for "new activity" if you are already a follower/member of Cooking Up a Sale, you'll have to complete a different sort of task to enter (such as liking on Facebook and/or commenting on a recipe).  Or, if you already like Cooking Up a Sale on Facebook, then you can subscribe via email or comment on a recipe to enter.
5.  This giveaway closes on Thursday, May 10 at 5PM.  Winner will be announced Thursday evening.

If you have any questions about how to enter or how to complete any of the tasks, please let email me or ask your question in the comments.

Thanks, and have fun!



  1. I liked Cooking Up a Sale on FB

  2. I commented on the Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe

  3. I commented on the Cream Puff Dessert Recipe

  4. I have commented on the Broccoli Apple Salad.

    1. Hi Kim - I'm sorry but I haven't seen a comment come through on the post for Broccoli Apple Salad. Can you try again?

  5. I was planning on commenting on your easy ravioli recipe even before I read about your giveaway--this makes it even better! Thanks for all your cooking tips! I love having new ideas--especially those fast and easy ones!

  6. I commented on the Strawberry Cake Recipe

    1. Hi Pam - I'm sorry but I didn't see your comment come through on the Strawberry Cake post...can you try again?

  7. Hey there!! Love the give-away!!! :) I commented on Grilled Mushrooms!! Thanks...

  8. Hi Lisa-
    I commented on beef fried rice. LOVE IT! It is probably as annonymous, b/c I don't know what I'm doing! :)

  9. I just posted on your Joel's marinated chicken ... our new favorite!

  10. Hi Lisa ~ I've signed up for the like on Facebook and for the email address. I did not know I could do this as I usually read your blog through Google Reader and it does not show me all these fancy options! Besides one of our new favorite dishes, Joel's Marinated Chicken, I've tried your Oven Roasted Asparagus, (Not Your Average) Chicken Spaghetti, Taco Soup and a few others. I've taken over all the cooking in my household ... and I'm not a cook! But my kids are loving it and will ask each week "Mom, did Lisa teach you anything new to make this week" LOL. Thank you, my kids now think I'm a rock-star in the kitchen and we don't keep stopping at McDonalds anymore! I (we) appreciate it!

  11. I joined the site as an "official member"!

  12. I liked your site on Facebook

  13. I liked Cooking up a sale on Facebook.


  14. Commented on your new MOzz chix recipe. (Making the granola right now again for the third time. I do NOT let my container get empty, eat it every morning:)

  15. I commented on the No bake strawberry dessert!

  16. I commented on your broccoli casserole dish and follow you via e-mail.

  17. I signed up for the emails and joined this group! I think I already am a subscriber via FB. Enjoy your recipes so much!
