
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Guest Post

Today, you can find me over at Simply Rebekah!  A few months ago, Rebekah sent out a request for some guest posts so that she could take a maternity leave of sorts.  She asked that the posts be baby/parent themed to fit her situation, so I came up with How to Get Dinner on the Table When You're Sleep-Deprived.  The tips I shared are geared towards new moms, but can be adapted to any busy season of life.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Love your guest post over there! We are expecting our 2nd and the 1st will only be a 16 months old when the new one we will have our hands full! I especially love the suggestion about the "husband friendly" meals. We are about to get a hand-me-down grill and I am really looking forward to having grilling nights as an option! I will be bookmarking this post and referring to it as it gets closer to time. Thanks!
