
Monday, July 9, 2012

Grandma's Fresh Blueberry Pie

If I had to choose between Fresh Strawberry Pie and Fresh Blueberry Pie, I'm honestly not sure which one I would pick!  I DO know that my mom has some killer fresh fruit pie recipes (peach pie recipe coming!), and I remember being thrilled when she would pull a pie out of the fridge after dinner.  I got this recipe from my mom, but it was originally from my grandma (my dad's mom).  She says that it came from an old "Betty Crocker Pie Book". 

A long time ago (so long ago that I'm not sure if I actually remember this, or if I've just heard the story so many times), my family went to my grandparents' house for dinner.  Grandma had made TWO fresh blueberry to serve for dessert, and the other to send home with our family.  After dinner, one of my parents set the pie on the roof of the car while they loaded all of us kids into our carseats.  On the way home, my parents heard "kind of a funny noise" as they turned a corner.  They shrugged it off...until they got home and realized they had no blueberry pie in the car with them.  Somewhere between grandma's house and our house, the pie plate and all...slid off the roof of the car.  So, the moral of the story is:  Don't send a Fresh Blueberry Pie home with anyone... just eat it yourself!  Because it's sooooooo good!

1 pie crust, baked
1 quart (2 pints) fresh blueberries, divided
2/3 C water
1 C sugar
3 Tbsp cornstarch
1/3 C water

Place 2/3 C water and 1 cup of the blueberries in a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to low and simmer 3 minutes.  Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, blend together the sugar, 1/3 C water, and cornstarch.  Stir sugar mixture into boiling berry mixture.  Bring to a boil again, and boil 1 minute (or until glaze begins to thicken) while stirring constantly.  Cool.  Add remaining blueberries to the glaze and stir carefully.  Carefully spread entire mixture into prepared pie crust.  Refrigerate until serving, at least 3 hours.  Serve with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream...or both!

Options and Tips:
  • Sort through the berries and pick out the mushy ones to use for the 1 cup that gets boiled. 
  • Cover any leftovers (if you have any) before refrigerating.  This will prevent the glaze from getting dried out.
 This recipe comes from my grandma, Lois Kregel.  It can also be found on page 241 of Adams Christan School's Kitchen Kaleidoscope cookbook, under the name "French Blueberry Glace Pie".

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