
Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Modular Mate Giveaway!

{This Giveaway is now closed.  Congratulations to Denise, who won the Rectangle 2 Modular Mate Tupperware Container}

I'm excited to announce that Cooking Up a Sale is hosting a giveaway, sponsored by
Tupperware Consultant Lindsay Schimmel!

One Cooking Up a Sale reader will win a FREE Rectangle 2 Modular Mate container with a seal color of their choice!!! 

(Rectangle 2 is the second container from the left)

This reader will be chosen at random on Saturday, January 21, after 5PM, and will be announced at the top of this post on Saturday evening. 

Want to win?  We're giving you lots of ways to enter!  Pick one of the following:

1.  Book a Tupperware party with Lindsay.
2.  Place a Tupperware order with Lindsay.
3.  Sign up for Lindsay's TupperTrends newsletter.
4.  Sign up to follow Cooking Up a Sale as a member.
5.  Post a comment underneath a recipe that you've tried on this blog.
6.  Like Cooking Up a Sale on Facebook.
7.  Subscribe to Cooking Up a Sale via email.

After you complete your "entry task", come back to this post and add a comment letting us know what you've done to enter.  You must add a comment under this giveaway post in order to be eligible for the giveaway.  You will not be able to post anonymously this time, because I'll need (at least) a first name to be able to announce a winner. 

You can contact Lindsay (for tasks 1, 2, and 3) at

For those of you who have already completed one of the tasks 4-7:  you are not required to complete another entry task, but you DO need to add a comment to this post telling us which task you've completed.

This giveaway will be open until Saturday, January 21 at 5PM.  One entry per person, please! 

My very un-techy way of drawing a winner will be to print all of the comments under this post, cut them apart into individual entries, and have one of my kids draw a winner out of a hat...or, since this is a cooking blog, maybe a pot would be more appropriate  :)


  1. I've done 1,2,6 & 7 =)
    PS - Lisa - i'm LOVING this blog! thanks for taking the time to do this!

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I'm glad you like the blog...but you'll have to reveal yourself :) Per the giveaway instructions in the post, I will need your first name in order to include you in the giveaway. Thanks!

  2. I've subscribed to cooking up a sale via e-mail! Thanks!!

  3. I have subscribed via email and I now like you on Facebook! Way to go Lisa!
    Sarah DB

  4. oooh-- I want to win that; you inspired me Lisa to get more Tupperware modular mates; in fact, I was thinking of ordering some more through Lindsay anyways for my flour/sugar/etc. while they're still on sale!

    So, let's see-- i've completed 3, 4, 6 and 7 and #2 soon :)


  5. I did #2 and #6 !!

  6. I've completed 4-7!

  7. Hi! I did #2,4 & 6. LOVE Tupperware and the bright spring colors!

  8. I have liked you on Facebook! Excited to see what this page will have to offer :)

  9. I signed up for Lindsay's Tupperware Trends newsletter.
    Michelle D.

  10. I did #5-7, & now commenting under the giveaway post. Who doesn't like free stuff right?

  11. Lorraine,
    I'm going to try the par. chicken for supper tonite. Looking forward to some new ideas.

  12. Lisa! what a great idea tying tupperware into your blog! I love my modular mates too and could aways use more of them!

  13. OH! and I completed #4-7.

  14. Thought I left a comment but don't see it! I follow on Facebook!

  15. I did #6 and I think #4! Yay for Tupperware!

  16. I signed up by e-mail. This is really a fun, Lisa. Hope you can keep it up!
