
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Regarding the Giveaway...

Hi Everyone,

I had someone tell me today that they "felt bad" entering the $10 gift card giveaway because they didn't want to take $10 from me!  That's a really nice thought, and I realize I might have brought that on by saying "I'm trying to keep my grocery budget down too".  BUT...

The $10 gift card is not coming out of my own pocket!  You might have noticed that I've put a few ads on my blog...and I'm making a SMALL amount of money on those ads.  It's not going to make me rich, by any means, but it's enough to cover a few small giveaways like this once in awhile.

So, don't feel bad, and by all means, please enter :)  But remember, to enter, you MUST post your entry comments under the giveaway post.  In your comments (one per item completed), explain what you did to enter, and include your name.


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