
Friday, January 13, 2012

Promises, Promises

I Promise To... a variety of delicious recipes on a weekly basis. Unless I'm on vacation. Hey, everyone needs a break, right? clear and detailed in my instructions, and include as many tips, tricks, and hints I can think of for each recipe.

...tell you from where (or from whom) each recipe came.

...answer any and all questions you may have about my recipes.

...update this list of promises if I think of more things!

I Make No Promises...

...that my recipes will be low in fat, calories, sodium, or anything else that's bad for you (although SOME of them might be!).

...that I will make this blog fancy or beautiful. I'm no graphic designer, just a cook! post a set number of recipes each week. Some weeks there will be more, other weeks there will be less. post a full week of dinner recipes at a time.  Sorry, I don't have THAT much extra time on my hands! 

...that each and every recipe I post will be super cheap to make.  I'll post recipes based on weekly sales, but not ALL of the ingredients will be on sale at the same time.  And hopefully you have some basic items in your pantry!

...that you won't see your name on here!  If you know me personally, chances are I've asked you for a recipe once or twice.  And I'll give credit where credit is due :)

...that you and your family will love all of the recipes on this blog. I HOPE you do, but hey, we all have different tastes, right?

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