
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Start Here!

Menu plans, cookbooks, recipes, grocery store ads, and coupons.  Those items cover my kitchen table for an hour each week as I plan our meals and make my grocery list.  I love to make food, but if I cooked whatever I felt like cooking, we'd go broke!  Instead, I try to use ingredients that are on sale each week in an effort to keep our grocery bill down.

So, is it possible to bring down your grocery bill, and still cook a variety of delicious foods for your family and friends?  In my opinion, YES! Take a look around here, and I think you'll agree!

Here's what you'll find...

  • A weekly set of recipes that use ingredients currently on sale at grocery stores in my area.  If you don't live near me, maybe you'll still have some of the same grocery stores or sale items.  If not, then I hope you still benefit from the recipes!  The majority of these recipes will be "tried and true", but I might throw in a few new ones that I'm trying right along with you.  (In general, I shop at Meijer, Aldi, Costco, and Family Fare.  I don't go to every store every week, but I usually hit Meijer and one of the other stores.  For that reason, I will focus mainly on the Meijer sales, but you might see recipes using sale items from other stores as well.)
  • Random Recipes thrown in for fun!  Family favorites, something I've tried, or a twist on a classic.
  • Stock-up Alerts and other ways to save money on food.  Although this is not a blog dedicated to couponing or finding bargains, I'll share something if it's beneficial.
  • In My Kitchen.  Check out these posts for tools and gadgets that I use and love.  I'll tell you why I like the item, and where you can purchase it.  If I ever get paid to write about a product or item (ha ha, wouldn't that be nice?!?), I'll make sure to disclose that!
  • Sourcing.  If I know which store carries the cheapest ingredient(s), I'll include that in the recipe post.
  • Reader's Request.  If you have a certain cut of meat or a specific ingredient that you're not quite sure what to do with, please ask me!  I'll come up with a recommendation, or post a recipe for something I've already tried.

You MIGHT also find:

  • Food Pics. I know this is a huge selling point, but hey, I'm new at this blogging thing!
  • Funny stories and/or quotes from my kids.
  • "Before and After" pictures of cupboards, closets, and rooms (I kind of have a "thing" for organizing!).

So, I'm starting this blog because

I'm bored.  Just kidding!  I can't remember the last time I was bored!  In actuality, I'm starting this blog because:

1.  I love to cook and bake!
2.  Saving money on groceries is one of my favorite subjects.  I'm kind of nerdy that way.
3.  I get a LOT of requests for "my" recipes.  And I don't feel boastful saying that, because honestly...

I'm really not that great of a cook...I just use recipes from
really great cooks! 

(For that reason, I will make sure to tell you where (or from whom) I got each and every one of my recipes).

If you try one of my recipes, please feel free to comment on it!  Tell me (and other readers) what you like about it and/or what you would change about it.  And if you ever have a question about a recipe, please ask!  I look forward to hearing from you! 

You may also contact me at dblisamarie[at]

Happy Cooking!


  1. Hey Lisa....HOW EXCITING! I'm not much of a blog follower but I've had meals made by you and I'm SURE to come here often and try them out myself!
    Can't wait!

  2. Lisa,

    I'm married to the son of Jan Kregel, and she sent me to your blog. I love menu planning and saving on groceries, too, so I look forward to reading more of your blog. We're not in MI, so the prices won't match up, but it will still be fun to follow along.
